

Amazon EC2、ヨーロッパ上陸

We are excited to announce that we have extended Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to Europe. Developers and businesses can now run their Amazon EC2 instances in the EU to help achieve lower latency, operate closer to other resources like Amazon S3 in the EU, and meet EU data storage requirements when applicable. The new European Region for Amazon EC2 contains two Availability Zones enabling you to easily and cost effectively run fault-tolerant applications with the same scalability, reliability and cost efficiency achieved with Amazon EC2 in the U.S.

 Amazon EC2のインスタンスが、ヨーロッパでも稼働するようになったそうな。ヨーロッパのEC2ユーザにとっては、吉報ですね。そのうち、アジアでも1カ所くらいはデータセンタを稼働させて欲しいものですね。ちなみに、詳細を見てみると、EBSはヨーロッパの方を使うと多少高いみたいです。

United States
Amazon EBS Volumes
* $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage
* $0.10 per 1 million I/O requests

Amazon EBS Snapshots to Amazon S3 (priced the same as Amazon S3)
* $0.15 per GB-month of data stored
* $0.01 per 1,000 PUT requests (when saving a snapshot)
* $0.01 per 10,000 GET requests (when loading a snapshot)

Amazon EBS Volumes
* $0.11 per GB-month of provisioned storage
* $0.11 per 1 million I/O requests

Amazon EBS Snapshots to Amazon S3 (priced the same as Amazon S3)
* $0.18 per GB-month of data stored
* $0.012 per 1,000 PUT requests (when saving a snapshot)
* $0.012 per 10,000 GET requests (when loading a snapshot)
