

エンタープライズ分野に本気で殴り込み Amazon EC2でOracle

 寝る前にメールをチェックしたら、Amazon EC2でかなり野心的な機能がリリースされていました。Amazon EC2でOracleが使えるようになるらしいです。使えるというのは、単にインストール出来るという意味ではなく、既存のOracleライセンスをEC2に持っていくことが可能のようです。

Oracle Database

Oracle has officially certified Amazon EC2 as a supported platform on which to run their software. In addition, AWS has worked with Oracle to enable existing Oracle Database licenses to be transferred to Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS. This means that for no additional cost, you can use an existing Oracle license to run your database in AWS, saving yourself the cost and effort of managing your own infrastructure while keeping the same database software you are already running. Oracle has also enabled Amazon S3 as one of the default backup locations for their RMAN service, making it easy for you to protect your data. Check out more details about running Oracle in Amazon EC2, along with some easy-to-use tools that can help you get started.

Oracle and AWS

でも、私はMySQL使うけどね w