(Cassandraのデータモデル - DenkiYagiさんの素晴らしいモデル図を写させて貰いました。)
Key & Row
Column & name,value
Super Column
複数のカラムを一つのnameでまとめた、Super Columnというのも設定可能です。これは同じ意味をもつデータ群をまとめておけば便利でしょうね。
<!-- ~ Keyspaces and ColumnFamilies: ~ A ColumnFamily is the Cassandra concept closest to a relational ~ table. Keyspaces are separate groups of ColumnFamilies. Except in ~ very unusual circumstances you will have one Keyspace per application. ~ There is an implicit keyspace named 'system' for Cassandra internals. --> <Keyspaces> <Keyspace Name="Keyspace1"> <!-- ~ ColumnFamily definitions have one required attribute (Name) ~ and several optional ones. ~ ~ The CompareWith attribute tells Cassandra how to sort the columns ~ for slicing operations. The default is BytesType, which is a ~ straightforward lexical comparison of the bytes in each column. ~ Other options are AsciiType, UTF8Type, LexicalUUIDType, TimeUUIDType, ~ and LongType. You can also specify the fully-qualified class ~ name to a class of your choice extending ~ org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType. ~ ~ SuperColumns have a similar CompareSubcolumnsWith attribute. ~ ~ BytesType: Simple sort by byte value. No validation is performed. ~ AsciiType: Like BytesType, but validates that the input can be ~ parsed as US-ASCII. ~ UTF8Type: A string encoded as UTF8 ~ LongType: A 64bit long ~ LexicalUUIDType: A 128bit UUID, compared lexically (by byte value) ~ TimeUUIDType: a 128bit version 1 UUID, compared by timestamp ~ ~ (To get the closest approximation to 0.3-style supercolumns, you ~ would use CompareWith=UTF8Type CompareSubcolumnsWith=LongType.) ~ ~ An optional `Comment` attribute may be used to attach additional ~ human-readable information about the column family to its definition. ~ ~ The optional KeysCached attribute specifies ~ the number of keys per sstable whose locations we keep in ~ memory in "mostly LRU" order. (JUST the key locations, NOT any ~ column values.) Specify a fraction (value less than 1), a percentage ~ (ending in a % sign) or an absolute number of keys to cache. ~ KeysCached defaults to 200000 keys. ~ ~ The optional RowsCached attribute specifies the number of rows ~ whose entire contents we cache in memory. Do not use this on ~ ColumnFamilies with large rows, or ColumnFamilies with high write:read ~ ratios. Specify a fraction (value less than 1), a percentage (ending in ~ a % sign) or an absolute number of rows to cache. ~ RowsCached defaults to 0, i.e., row cache is off by default. ~ ~ Remember, when using caches as a percentage, they WILL grow with ~ your data set! --> <ColumnFamily Name="Standard1" CompareWith="BytesType"/> <ColumnFamily Name="Standard2" CompareWith="UTF8Type" KeysCached="100%"/> <ColumnFamily Name="StandardByUUID1" CompareWith="TimeUUIDType" /> <ColumnFamily Name="Super1" ColumnType="Super" CompareWith="BytesType" CompareSubcolumnsWith="BytesType" /> <ColumnFamily Name="Super2" ColumnType="Super" CompareWith="UTF8Type" CompareSubcolumnsWith="UTF8Type" RowsCached="10000" KeysCached="50%" Comment="A column family with supercolumns, whose column and subcolumn names are UTF8 strings"/> <!-- ~ Strategy: Setting this to the class that implements ~ IReplicaPlacementStrategy will change the way the node picker works. ~ Out of the box, Cassandra provides ~ org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackUnawareStrategy and ~ org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackAwareStrategy (place one replica in ~ a different datacenter, and the others on different racks in the same ~ one.) --> <ReplicaPlacementStrategy>org.apache.cassandra.locator.RackUnawareStrategy</ReplicaPlacementStrategy> <!-- Number of replicas of the data --> <ReplicationFactor>1</ReplicationFactor> <!-- ~ EndPointSnitch: Setting this to the class that implements ~ AbstractEndpointSnitch, which lets Cassandra know enough
DataModel - Cassandra Wiki
Cassandraのデータモデル - DenkiYagi