Cent-OS5.4 (Amazon EC2上のrightscale-us-east/CentOS_5.4_i386_v5.2.0_Alpha.manifest.xml ami-0859bb61)
java version "1.6.0_14" (デフォルトインストール済み)
Apache Ant 1.8.0
#cd apache-cassandra-0.6.1-src #ant 中略 BUILD SUCCESSFUL # chmod 755 bin/cassandra # chmod 755 bin/cassandra-cli # bin/cassandra -f INFO 00:36:08,630 Auto DiskAccessMode determined to be standard INFO 00:36:09,159 Saved Token not found. Using 71869193890648876842090602795170258475 INFO 00:36:09,159 Saved ClusterName not found. Using Test Cluster INFO 00:36:09,166 Creating new commitlog segment /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/CommitLog-1271910969166.log INFO 00:36:09,232 Starting up server gossip INFO 00:36:09,319 Binding thrift service to localhost/ INFO 00:36:09,323 Cassandra starting up...
# bin/cassandra-cli --host localhost --port 9160 Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160 Welcome to cassandra CLI. Type 'help' or '?' for help. Type 'quit' or 'exit' to quit. cassandra> help List of all CLI commands: ? Same as help. help Display this help. connect <hostname>/<port> Connect to thrift service. describe keyspace <keyspacename> Describe keyspace. exit Exit CLI. quit Exit CLI. show config file Display contents of config file. show cluster name Display cluster name. show keyspaces Show list of keyspaces. show api version Show server API version. get <ksp>.<cf>['<key>'] Get a slice of columns. get <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<super>'] Get a slice of sub columns. get <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<col>'] Get a column value. get <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] Get a sub column value. set <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<col>'] = '<value>' Set a column. set <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] = '<value>' Set a sub column. del <ksp>.<cf>['<key>'] Delete record. del <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<col>'] Delete column. del <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] Delete sub column. count <ksp>.<cf>['<key>'] Count columns in record. count <ksp>.<cf>['<key>']['<super>'] Count columns in a super column. cassandra> show keyspaces Keyspace1 system cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']['first'] = 'John' Value inserted. cassandra> get Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith'] => (column=first, value=John, timestamp=1271911743088000) Returned 1 results. cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']['last'] = 'Smith' Value inserted. cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith']['age'] = '42' Value inserted. cassandra> get Keyspace1.Standard2['jsmith'] => (column=last, value=Smith, timestamp=1271911770333000) => (column=first, value=John, timestamp=1271911743088000) => (column=age, value=42, timestamp=1271911776381000) Returned 3 results. cassandra> exit
また今回はクラスタとか組んでいないですし、Keyspaceの作成とか全然やっていないので、そのうち掘り下げて試してみようかと思います。amazon ec2でクラスタ組む場合は、インナーのアドレスとかがあるのでちょっとややこしいみたいです。
GettingStarted - Cassandra Wiki
CassandraCli - Cassandra Wiki
johanoskarsson's cassandra-ec2 at master - GitHu